The annual Euromold show will take place in Frankfurt between 3rd and 6th December and Tokai Carbon will be present. You can find us in Hall 11, Stand No D06 where representatives from our European companies will be on hand to provide information about our products and services.
As part of our commitment to product innovation and technical development Tokai will take the opportunity, while attending Euromold, to introduce a new grade of graphite which will be available exclusively in Europe. HK-10 is a high quality, premium grade graphite intended for use in the highly competitive EDM market in Europe. HK-10 is designed to have the attributes of higher grades, in terms of product quality and properties, whilst maintaining or even enhancing market competitiveness.
Please ask any of our company representatives, located on the stand, for more details about HK-10 or click this link to find our datasheet.
For more details about the exhibition please visit the Euromold website.