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Glassy Carbon

Glassy Carbon

Glassy Carbon is a type of highly impermeable carbon, with the appearance of glass and having unique properties not found in carbon and graphite materials. It has an amorphous structure, does not generate particles and is impervious to gases.

Tokai Carbon Group was the first carbon company to develop this material using some innovative methods and materials.


  • Low Apparent Density
  • Excellent Electrical and Thermal Conductivity
  • High resistance to various aggressive chemicals
  • No particle generation or outgassing
  • High Resistance to Thermal Shock
  • High Mechanical Strength
  • Completely impervious to gases


  • Wafer Holders, Heat Reflectors, Susceptors & Guide Rings
  • Gas Diffusers for Plasma Etching
  • Cleaning Process Materials
  • Dummy Wafers
  • Crucibles, Protection Tubes & Glass Mould Materials

Typical Properties of Glassy Carbon

Density (g/cm³) Specific Resistance (µΩm) Flexural Strength (MPa) Hardness (Shore) Thermal Conductivity (W/mK) Ash Content(ppm)
1.51 42 147 120 5.8 <2


Typical Impurities Analysis

Al Ca Cr Cu Fe K Na Ni Ti V
ppm <0.08 <0.04 <0.17 <0.08 <0.04 <0.1 <0.05 <0.1 <0.09 <0.07

Material Comparison

Glassy Carbon (GC) has an amorphous structure which combines both the characters of Carbon and Glass

Isotropic Graphite Glassy Carbon Quartz Glass
Thermal Resistance Excellent Good
Electrical Conductivity High None
Thermal Expansion More than Quartz Small
Thermal Conductivity High Low
Particle Generation Yes None
Permeable to Gases Yes No
Dimensional Tolerances (mm)
Forms I.Dia O.Dia L, H. Thickness
Rods RA-3 ±0.3 ±1
Others ±0.4 ±1
Plates ±0.3 ±0.2
Disks ±0.2 ±0.2
Crucibles C-30,   40 ±1 ±1 ±2
Others ±2 ±2 ±3
Pipes ±0.5 ±0.5 ±1
With   Lid Tubes ±0.5 ±0.5 ±1
Shape Type Size (mm)
(non-standard) ø Length/Height
External Internal
Rods (Ra2xL100) 2 100
(Ra3xL10) 3 100
(Ra3xL50) 3 50
(Ra3×L100) 3 100
Ra3×L300 3 300
 (Ra5×L100) 5.2 100
Ra5×L500 5.2 500
(Ra6×L100) 6 100
(Ra6×L300) 6 300
Ra6×L500 6 500
Ra8×L100 8 100
Ra10×L100 10 100
Crucibles C-1 10 8 10
C-4 20 16 30
C-30 40 36 40
C-40 45 41 43
(C-150) 65 61 61
Shape Type Size (mm)
(non-standard) ø Length/Height
External Internal
Pipes P5×L500 7 5 500
(P6×L100) 8 6 100
P6×L500 8 6 500
(P10×L100) 13 10 100
P10×L500 13 10 500
(P16×L100) 20 16 100
P16×L500 20 16 500
With Lid Tubes PP5×L500 7 5 500
(PP6×L100) 8 6 100
PP6×L500 8 6 500
(PP10×L100) 13 10 100
PP10×L500 13 10 500
(PP16×L100) 20 16 100
PP16×L500 20 16 500
Shape Type Size (mm)
(non-standard) Length Width Thickness
Plates SA-1 100 100 1
(SA-2) 100 100 2
SA-3 100 100 3
(SA-6) 100 100 6
(SD-3) 200 200 3
(SD-6) 200 200 6
(SD-6) 300 300 6